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Aesthetic Improvements: 3 Popular Cosmetic Procedures

September 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — parksidedental @ 5:54 pm
Woman with freckles in brown sweater on the couch smiling

If you’re not happy with the condition of your smile, you’re not alone. Cosmetic dental procedures continue to gain popularity as more people realize they can access treatments that help improve their appearance and dental health.

However, you might avoid getting any work done if you’re unsure what services you need to upgrade your grin. With that in mind, continue reading to learn more about three popular cosmetic services so you can decide on the best treatment(s) to meet your unique needs!

Treatment #1: Teeth Whitening

Many people longing for brighter grins turn to over-the-counter whitening products only to be disappointed. Although commercially available products claim to help you achieve your desired hue, they often contain bleaching agents that can cause tooth sensitivity if used incorrectly or overapplied.

Fortunately, your dentist can safely lighten your teeth with take-home kits that include professional-grade gels that are formulated to minimize potential discomfort. These also typically include custom-fitted trays for optimal application, all from the comfort of your own home. That makes this a simple but effective way to enhance your appearance!

Treatment #2: Porcelain Veneers

If your teeth are riddled with chips, cracks, stubborn stains, or are slightly gapped or crooked, then you’ll need more than topical whitening to address the imperfections. Thankfully, your dentist can provide porcelain veneers to perfect your smile.

These thin, ceramic shells are designed to fit over the front surface of your teeth to mask one or several minor flaws. They’re customized to be just the right size, shade, and shape so that once they’re bonded in place, you’ll have an instantly upgraded look with no one the wiser. Furthermore, they’re coated with a glaze so durable that they resist minor chips and stains. They can even last 15+ years if properly maintained, making them an excellent long-term solution.

Treatment #3: Dental Bonding

Although veneers can hide several issues, they don’t actually fix problems with your teeth. You might benefit from cosmetic dental bonding if you’re looking for a more in-depth repair. For this procedure, your provider directly places a small amount of color-matched composite resin to your tooth. Then, they mold it into the perfect shape before hardening it with a special ultraviolet curing light to bond it to your enamel.

This method addresses many of the same concerns as veneers but is usually more cost-effective and repairs the structure of your damaged teeth.

If you’re still debating which treatment can help you meet your smile goals, the best next step is to schedule a consultation with your dentist to find out!

About the Author

Dr. John Moneyhun is passionate about helping patients build smiles they can be proud of! He earned his Doctor of Dental Medicine from the Medical University of South Carolina and continues to refine his skills through ongoing education through the Dawson Academy and Gordon Christensen’s Practical Clinical Courses. He’s experienced working with patients of all ages and offers a full array of services conveniently under one roof to meet all your dental needs, including cosmetic services. If you’d like a consultation, you can request an appointment on the website or call (864) 800-1691.

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